Introduction 簡介

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20180515, 加拿大多倫多長生學協會, Longevitology Toronto Canada, 長生學創辦人之一林子珍老師專訪


加拿大多倫多長生學會五週年發展歷程 Longevitology Toronto Canada

Longevitology so useful

長生學是藉著人體來接納宇宙的能量,學習者透過上課的講解及開啟穴道後,經由靜坐與調整來提升健康,並且可藉以去幫助改善他人健康的一種方法。“疾病”就東方醫學的觀點來論,大多是氣血失調所致,這跟西方醫學以循環和代謝來探討健康的道理是相同的。如疾病是因細菌或病毒所致,這些疾病會隨著我們氣血的活絡、循環代謝變好以後,抗體、免疫系統就得以提升,自然就會消失了。病的污垢是隨著自己的代謝系統排出體外。長生學將人體系統區分為七大主要穴道,分別從頭頂延著後腦背脊骨一直到尾椎下,每個穴道都各有它本身的功能。經由老師的導引,開啟閉塞的穴道後,宇宙的能量便可經由相關的穴道旋入人體產生作用,轉化為人體能,於體內不斷的活動,調理著身體上的精、氣、神的健康。宇宙能量進入我們體內時,氣血因而順暢起來,它能活絡每一個細胞, 讓每一個器官的功能正常發揮,便可達到提升健康的目的。

這是起源於美國洛杉機執業的林子洪醫學博士,林博士接觸了能量醫學後,推薦鼓勵林子珍和魏裕峰老師參與。由林子珍、魏裕峰老師經實際的臨床中去蕪存菁,創立了簡單易學,一種身、心、靈並修的功夫 -『長生學』。自1993年在台灣成立了『長生學慈善基金會』這個非牟利機構以來,其活動一直由林子珍和魏裕峰老師負責管理。


這是起緣於2011年一次往外旅遊,黎冠輝夫婦巧遇來自英國的一位師姐,她給黎太太疼痛的膝蓋調整得很舒服。他們覺得這功夫很管用,尤其是對老人家,易學又易做,那裏覺得不舒服,摸一摸就好了!於是,便到台灣學習長生學,並邀請魏裕峰老師到多倫多教授長生學。於2012年5月成功舉辦了第一期的初、中班課程, 到2017年己有六期初,中班學員畢業。很感謝魏老師每年都來多倫多授課,並在2014年6月開辦了第一期高級班 及2016年4月開辦了第二期高級班。現在我們共有二千多位長生學的學員,登記病人超過三百位,而參與調整服務的義工有六百多人。
這些年來,很感謝義工們的愛心及奉獻,不停也在各調整站、病人的家及醫院為所需要的病患調整,讓他們病痛得以舒緩,給他們精神上的支持!此外,非常感謝自費租用場地及以自己的家作為調整站的義工,使到士嘉堡調整站, 多倫多市中心,萬錦市, 烈治文山, 康山 及密西沙加 共有六個調整站分工合作,使到每星期七天都可以為病人服務。更要感謝善心人借出場地,現有較多地點,使我們可以幫助更多有需要的人士!長生學在多倫多的發展可說是眾志成城,善與人同!我們希望更多的人可以接觸到長生學,並參與我們助己助人、回饋社會的行列!

Longevitology in Brief
Longevitology is a practice for health improvement which involves directing universal energy to the body through the palms. Oriental medicine regards the primary cause of all health issues to be stagnant flow of energy and blood. Through introduction of universal energy to the body during Longevitology practice, energy and blood flow are enhanced, resulting in better circulation and metabolism, which are conducive to improved health. Chakras are energy points in the midline of the body from the base of the spine to the top of the head, which are associated with various physiological functions. Longevitology practice involves directing universal energy to the chakras as well as to areas with ailment or pain. Students need to have their chakras opened in class by specialists, before they can perform Longevitology adjustment on themselves or on others. It is important that they learn to be in a calm and relaxed state of mind during practice.
History and Mission of Longevitology
Master Yu-Feng Wei and Master Lin Tzu-Chen are the founders of the nonprofit Longevitology Benevolent Foundation in Taiwan. In the USA, Master Tzu-Chen Lin is the founder of nonprofit Chang Sen Xue Longevity Association. Their goal is to reach out to as many people as possible worldwide, to teach Longevitology and to have graduates practice Longevitology adjustments to help themselves and others who have health problems. The three masters have carried on with this noble mission for over 20 years.
Longevitology courses are regularly taught by the Masters in countries like, Canada, United States, England, Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Australia, New Zealand, Tahiti, Taiwan, China, Hong Kong, Japan, Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia, Thailand and Myanmar. Some of these classes were attended by over 1,000 students. More than one million students have attended the courses worldwide.
As Longevitology activities are strictly nonprofit, no fees are charged for any course. Practitioners are also not permitted to receive payment for their adjustment service to others. They are all volunteers. Longevitology is also not affiliated with any religious, political or commercial organizations.
Characteristic of Longevitology
Longevitology is easy to learn and the practice is simple. The practitioner can perform adjustment on themselves or others, almost anywhere and at any time. After the chakras are opened, universal energy flow is effortless for the practitioner when the mind is calm and relaxed during practice. The movement of universal energy through the practitioner to the patient benefits both parties and there is no exchange of unhealthy energy between them.
Development of Longevitology in Toronto
Longevitology Toronto was founded by Mr. and Mrs. Paul Lai. In 2011, while they were traveling in Holland, they met a practitioner of Longevitology from England by chance. At the time, Mrs. Lai was suffering from serious knee pain and the practitioner, surprisingly, was able to alleviate her pain within half an hour of performing a Longevitology adjustment on her. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Lai were most impressed and they travelled to Taiwan to attend the next available Longevitology course held by Master Yu-Feng Wei. They wished to bring Longevitology to Toronto to benefit the people here and therefore invited Master Wei to come to hold the first course in May 2012. Since then, the Master has kindly come here every year for the Basic and Intermediate course with the first Advance course being held in 2014. So far, 2000+ students have graduated.
Total 6 adjustment centers were opened for patients to receive free adjustments from volunteers in Scarborough, Downtown Toronto, Markham, Thornhill, Richmond Hill and Mississauga. More than 600 graduates are volunteers in the adjustment centers, helping over 300 registered patients. There are also volunteers who help others in homes and hospitals. Many others practice Longevitology privately to improve their own health as well as those of their family and friends.